Das Graffiti-Magazin Nr. 1 aus Berlin

Kurzfilm: More Hate Than Fear


More Hate Than Fear ist ein Kurzfilm-Drama in dem es um einen Sprüher geht, der 3½ Jahre Gefängnisstrafe aufgebrummt bekommt. Die Hauptrollen werden von Edward Hayter, James Clossick und Steve Pinto gespielt.

Außerdem gibt es auch eine Dokumentation zum Film. Mehr Infos gibts auf Dazed.

Disturbed by a justice system that at times is not so just, Molly Manning Walker found inspiration to write a short film, More Hate Than Fear, as a follow-up to a documentary of the same name, that she had made on the same subject. Viewing graffiti as the ultimate freedom of expression, she felt moved to help preserve it but also highlight what was happening to its artists. She explains: “Graffiti is freedom of speech, it’s a statement of unhappiness with the status quo. But it’s not graffiti that drove me to make this film – it’s the disproportionate prison sentences.” Walker tells Dazed, “what has become apparent is that we have a judicial system that values money and property over human life.”