Das Graffiti-Magazin Nr. 1 aus Berlin

Ausstellung: Chrome47

Ende dieser Woche, vom 9. bis 11. August 2024, zeigt ArtCity e.V. eine Gruppenausstellung zum Thema Chrom in der Alten Münze. Anschließend gibt es in der Location eine fette Party.

Chrome47 delves into the multifaceted nature of Chromium (Cr) through the lens of Silver (47), drawing inspiration from its transformative aesthetics and connection to our urban landscape. Renowned for its silver shine and more nuanced colorations, silver chrome is widely used in art, design, and everyday objects. Our exhibition aims to foster a dialogue between our city’s increasingly metallic environment and the vibrant diversity of its inhabitants.

We are committed to promoting cross-cultural interactions through events that reflect our shared urbanity. Chrome47 will fuse various art forms from international artists, breaking down boundaries and opening new perspectives on our city. Our mission is to create inclusive spaces for creative expression and experimentation, providing a platform for emerging artists and subcultures to amplify their voices. Diversity is at the heart of our programming, and we strive to foster connections that bring us closer together.

Es sind unter anderem folgende Künstler dabei: Louise Amelie, Coco Bergholm, Brad Downey, Tony Futura, Vincent Grunwald, Benni Kakert, Cpt. Olf, DRIK, Hotwlan, IGIT, Clemens Behr, Rocco & seine Brüder, Angst Yok, The Art of Storytelling

Die ganze Ausstellung ist donation based, kostet also Eintritt.

Vernissage 18-22 Uhr
Afterparty 22-03 Uhr

Vernissage 11-22 Uhr
Afterparty 22-03 Uhr

Closing 11-15 Uhr

Alte Münze
Molkenmarkt 2
10179 Berlin