Das Graffiti-Magazin Nr. 1 aus Berlin

Vantage Point #75: POET73


POET GFA im Interview mit dem bekannten englischsprachigen Podcast Vantage Point! Es geht um die 80er, 90er, POETs Kindheit, die ersten Schritte nach Ostberlin nach dem Mauerfall und einiges mehr. Am Ende wirds auch tiefgründig. Über eine Stunde Berlin Graffiti History!

Today Berlin is considered one of the graffiti capitols of the world with entire districts of the city covered in paint at every corner. The story of how it all happened however is unlike that of any other city. With The Wall dividing Berlin in two as graffiti culture exploded across Europe in the 80’s, Berlin writers in the east and the west were creating their own ideas of graffiti both aesthetically and ideologically. No district in the city embraced graffiti and punk rock culture more than Kreuzberg, the home town and playground to our guest POET. Few cities in the world have gone through more changes since the birth of graffiti and POET has been there, can in hand, through it all.